
Meet the team

Meet the team

Introducing the team, passionate about genetics, behind this innovative company

Introducing the team, passionate about genetics, behind this innovative company

Our values

Our values

Honesty and Transparency

Being honest in the way we handle your data and your privacy is ingrained in our DNA.


We develop continuous innovations and new applications with the DNA.

Continuous improvement

By constantly updating our databases with new traits and genetic associations.


We want to make the journey through your DNA simple and easy to understand.

Contribute to the community

We want to be able to contribute to the community, just as we benefit from all the shared experience.


We provide access to the original studies on which the results are based.

Our team

Our team

Jair Tenorio

Chief Scientist Officer

Sandra Ferreiro

Science Area Lead & Bioinformatics

Guillermo Pérez-Solero

Jorge Blom-Dahl Oliver

Adán González López

Guillermo Pérez-Solero

CEO & Founder

Jorge Blom-Dahl Oliver

CTO & Bioinformatics

© 2024 All rights reserved

© 2024 All rights reserved